Sunday, June 17, 2007

OOps its hapen again

i think this is really not nice of someone but its happen again to me last weekend

it was the first time i though i have a best friends. it was 2002 when we were in high school. even i don't have much money bcoz of i just have some accident after back from Guang Zhou, China. so my best friend and me went to Hard Rock cafe to have fun and also other bar in Jakarta. such as Stadium the biggest bar in Jakarta. and then i just recognize that he is not my best friend after i knew he just come to me when he have problem

i tried to be best friend for him. he is my classmate in high school. he said will always be best friend. one day he came to my room and used everything of my stuff, perfumes, gels, any stuff for treatments. and when i asked him why he done that, he said because its free. so since thats moment i just recognize that he just used my stuff because its free and he dont think i bought that stuff with money.

next day, we went to stadium again, he said he dint have money so i paid for him and not only for these things also for transport and everything. but when i don't have money he doesn't call me to ask me just for hang out together. and i got information he went out with other friends group. i just said why he doesnt call me bcoz he had said he my best friend. at least a call to show he remember me when he wanna go have fun.

and i think its just happen again with someone who also said i am his really really best friend. and its happen again with some lie. first information when he knock the door in mid night, he said he met this guy in the bar and bring him to home, the second information. its so clear on the phone call he said to someone friends that he call this guys and paid for all for this guy.

for sure its not about money because absolutely i can pay that for my self but i really think its really not nice he said clearly he met him in bar to me in mid night while i open the door for them and and then he said clearly also in front of me on phone calling to other guys that he invited him...

so i think i have to be careful to someone who so easy say that i'm nice and their best friend that they ever had. but i think they dont know what is the meaning a best friend. in fact they dont remember me when they wanna have fun

yeah its a life and we learn from thats life.... and i remember there is a term; a best friend not only share a sadness but also the happiness and i think they just can say best friend but dunno they meaning... when they in sadness they come to their best friend but when they in happiness they let their friend alone... and i think those people really dunno what best friends is.

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