Friday, June 29, 2007


tonight when i wanna switch off the TV. i saw an Indian girl swear to do something.

sometimes a bad experience can be a motivation for someone to be better so they don't need to have same experience like what they had before. but sometimes bad experience also can be a hell for someone because they just think how to give back hurt to someone who had done to them. but if someone can make the swear to be better for their new life its more better so they will not have hurt whole life. hurt whole life just for think how to be success and give back the hurt...

for sure i don't wanna judge its good or bad if someone do same like what they got. some like a term said. what u do now its what u will get or in a religion or some religion believe said, a killer have to be killed to give back the mistake. so no one can just its correct or not, bcoz some people believe in that and some people hate in that. thats life.... so colorful

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